Minifaber: the company for the corporate wellness

Autor : Angela Melocchi

Minifaber has been added in the good practises page

L'azienda a favore del benessere aziendale

The Workplace Health Promotion(or WHP) it's a project that involves companies wanting to improve the health worker conditions both in workplace and outside the corporate. 

Those who adhere to the WHP project publicize practise that promote "Health" like initiatives against smoking, promoting Healthy diet, the increase of physical activity.

Nel 2016 Minifaber si è meritata l'attestato della rete WHP(sponsorizzata dalla provincia di Bergamo) a testimonianza dell'impegno dell'azienda.

In 2016 Minifaber has earned the WHP network certificate(sponsorized by Bergamo city) to attest the corporate commitment.

Today, on the WHP network official website, in the "Vetrina buone pratiche"(the good practise showcase) has been published a little article that speak about the physiotherapy service that Minifaber provides as companies benefit, to prove that the company it's interested to the wellness of its staff.

Vetrina Buone Pratiche WHP:

L'azienda a favore del benessere aziendale 01
L'azienda a favore del benessere aziendale 02