Not just sheet metal working: Minifaber promotes Smart Working

Autor : Angela Melocchi

Today Smart Working appears as the best solution to enhance the wellness of a business’ employees, letting them to join job and family and increasing their satisfaction and productivity. Many companies share this project, but only few of them successfully made Smart Working as a daily reality of their activity. Minifaber, leader in sheet metal working, is one of these businesses, as Angela tells us in this article.

Non solo lavorazione lamiera: Minifaber promuove lo smartworking

How did you effectively put Smart Working into practice?

The first action of Smart Working, perhaps the most important one, chosen by Minifaber was teleworking. This way the employees, above all young mothers with little children, can stay at home with their family, granting the company to carry out their job. Started as a choice in case of need, today teleworking is applied regularly, with fixed days during the week in which the employees can work at home, saving the time spent in traffic and giving more time to their family. All of this despite Minifaber being a manufacturing company, committed to all the kind of sheet metal working.

Which are the advantages of the company with Smart Working?

The company can obtain a regular working activity from the employees, without the delays due to their absence. In addition, the business earns a more satisfied worker – and, as a result, more productive – to not mention the cut of the costs of fixed locations. In a company as Minifaber, in fact, it is strictly necessary only the presence of the workers dealing with the activity of sheet metal working.

How can you be sure that the job is done?

The employees who choose to work at home must be reachable during the eight working hours, so we can call them at any time, just as at the office. In addition, for now Smart Working is limited to the sales department, so it is easy to understand if the employees working at home are doing their job: if the orders are not processed and the customers are not answered, there is clearly something wrong going on.

Are there any disadvantages?

As in everything, there is the other side of the coin also in Smart Working. The company and the employee do not share the daily activity and the communication flow risks to be inefficient. This problem, however, can be easily overcome with the right balance and a clear and steady communication.

Are employees satisfied of Smart Working?

With Smart Working the employees gain more flexibility and serenity, they know that they have to be reachable and this encourages their sense of responsibility, making them feel more and more part of the company. Speaking in general, I think that they are happy and I hope that the management could extend this possibility to other offices, in order to grant more employees to join job and family with no need to renounce to one of the two.

Thanks to teleworking, Minifaber aims to place itself as the reference point in Italy as far as Smart Working is concerned, after having already become the leader in Europe in sheet metal working.